A step-by-step guide - uploading and processing the environmental data

Uploading new data set

Once logged in, select Environmental data in the start-up page or in the upper menu bar. To upload new data sets click Select data sets. Browse your computer to locate up to 10 files that contain the environmental data for which you would like to perform calculations. If multiple data sets are uploaded, they must have the same format. You can add descriptions of the data sets selected. Make sure that they are simple text files (not xls) and that the time scale of the records is in one of the following formats:

  • YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm
  • DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm
  • YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm
  • YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm
  • DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm
  • MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm
  • HH:mm DD/MM/YYYY (Hanwell radiolog 7)

The software adjusts import settings to files you plan to upload: delimiter, number of lines to be ignored, number of columns, and data set type. Also, each column is assigned to a data type. You need to verify all the import settings, and if necessary, adjust them using the drop down menus. You can browse the data sets selected to verify their structure.

To upload selected single files, click add file buttons. When the uploading is finished, the status icons change.

To upload all files at once, click Upload all files .

Merging data sets

You can merge two data sets to explore the effect of moving an object from one environment to another, for example when a loan is made. Select two data sets and press Merge data sets which takes you to the Merging data sets page. You can enter a description of a data file which will be produced by merging. Verify if the sequence of the data sets is correct. If not press Change sequence so that the initial climate appears as data set 1. Introduce the date and time at which the data sets are merged. Select Proceed which takes you back to the Upload and process environmental data page where you can view the data set created by merging.

Viewing data sets

The list of data sets is displayed with the average levels of relative humidity and temperature over the period covered by the data. You can view plots of each data set by selecting Graph. You can graphically explore your data in two ways. Move the cursor over the plot to dynamically display the time/parameter coordinates of data points. Zoom in by selecting a fragment of the plot. A double click resets the zoom in selection. After viewing the data, click Back above the plots to return to the Upload and process environmental data page.

Selecting a tool

The platform is organised in the framework of ten independent modules corresponding to ten agents of deterioration: physical forces, thieves and vandals, fire, water, pests, pollutants, light-UV-IR, incorrect temperature, incorrect RH, dissociation. Select Modules from the start-up page and then select a specific agent of deterioration. A list of deterioration processes for which risk may be quantitatively assessed by means of available tools is displayed. Select the tool.

Alternatively, select Tools in the upper menu line and select the required tool from the list.